Thursday, April 26, 2007

if the blind lead the blind..get out of the way.

first post ever? bored!!!! theres seriously nothing to do..tonight ill be flying to hk..ill be staying there for a month..give me time to decide and convince my parents i need to transfer school. if possible AWAY from cebu.. i thought about it, and even though i may miss my friends and ill be apart from them, its not like im DEAD or they're still coming back. dude, i sound like im really leaving! lol! my friend eena left. shes in america. it sounds like shes having fun! i happy for her and all..but im seriously jealous! for me..
real happiness is being far away from cebu. i dunno why..must be the problems..boredom?? i dunno. im just an ordinary girl trying to survive living in a house with 2 idiots.

lets just say i have "issues".